Man’s ordeal after theft and robbery by masked men in Craigneuk

Detectives are appealing for information following an assault and theft at a property in Craigneuk.

The incident happened around 1.30am on Friday, 29 May, when a group of men forced their way into a property at Winning Quadrant.

A 41-year-old man was struck on the body with a hammer but sustained no injury. He managed to run off.

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The suspects, a group of between three and five men, were all wearing dark clothing and their faces were covered by masks.

They made off with technology worth a three figure sum.

Detective Gary Crossan, of Wishaw CID, said: “Fortunately the man was not hurt in this incident despite being struck and was left shaken.

“Anyone who may have seen anything suspicious in the area around the time of the incident that may assist with our enquiries is asked to get in touch with officers.

“If you have information that could help please contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 0302 of Friday, 29 May, 2020. Or make a call anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”