Gryffee High School in Houston is the only Renfrewshire secondary school to be listed in Scotland’s top 20.
These rankings come from the annual Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2025, now in its 32nd iteration. The guide includes a fully searchable national database of over 2,000 schools by name, local authority, town and postcode. As well as an assessment of all academic results on a school-by-school basis, Parent Power enables parents to compare the performance of a given school with other schools in the same town, local authority or nationally.
You can read the full Sunday Times Parent Power Guide school league tables by clicking here.
These rankings do not take into account factors such as the support offered to children with complex needs, the quality of the teaching staff, the quality of the student experience, the funding the school receives from Renfrewshire council or a myriad of other factors that make up a good, well-rounded education. The exam results emphasise an attainment gap between schools in affluent areas of Renfrewshire and those serving areas in the city with high incidence of childhood poverty.
We’ve ranked the 3 Renfrewshire schools below which were featured in the top 100 in The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2024, read more below.