Falls of Clyde Nature Notes

Find out what’s happening at the Falls of Clyde this week

THIS week’s special guest is the vice chairman of the Clydesdale Mills Society (that would be me then!).

We have a number of former mills at the Falls of Clyde including a sawmill that we are currently excavating.

South Lanarkshire at one time was home to over 160 mills.

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One of the main aims of the society is to record the current condition of all the mills in South Lanarkshire. This takes us all over the county.

As a non-indigenous person to this area, I’ve really enjoyed exploring this fascinating county and finding out about its heritage and seeing wildlife that I wouldn’t normally find down here on the reserve.

A few months ago we were over near Wiston looking at an old mill site and we found a set of badger prints (five toes, broad kidney shaped pad, often claw prints are visible) along a farm track.

Up in Hamilton, I got excellent views of a Sparrowhawk that flew into a tree near to us.

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Over in Leadhills a few weeks ago we were up on the moors and we were lucky enough to see red grouse and a mountain hare.

The mountain hare was beginning to lose its white winter coat which it uses for camouflage over the snowy wintery months.

I’m sure it wishes it could hold onto it for a bit longer now that more snow has arrived!

I hope no-one has had any troubles getting stuck in the snow over the past couple of days. Although it is lovely, it can be a bit nightmarish at times!

PS – We are in dire need of a caravan for our peregrine ranger. Ours has just been condemned.

Please get in touch if you can help, thanks.

Next week: Peregrines!


Falls of Clyde Ranger.