If you are looking to surprise your best friend with a lovely bouquet, expert florists, Interflora, have revealed how to pick the perfect flowers for them based on their star sign.
Vicky Wilson, in-house florist at Interflora, said: “Buying flowers for a friend is one of the simplest ways to show you appreciate them. Any bouquet will be sure to put a smile on their face, but thinking of ways to personalise a bouquet beyond a card is a great way to show you care.
"Take time to consider how their personality may be suited to a particular style or colour and include flowers with symbolic meaning for extra thoughtfulness.’’
. Women with flowers
Which flowers should you buy your best friend based on their star sign? Photo: n/a
. Aries - Daffodils
This flower blooms early and symbolises new beginnings so complements Aries as the first sign of the zodiac. They also symbolise faithfulness due to their ability to bloom year after year, making them ideal for a loyal friend. Photo: Interflora
. Taurus - Lillies
Lillies are a great match for any Taurus as they symbolise devotion and fertility, perfect to complement the sensual nature of a Taurus. Photo: Interflora
. Gemini - Lavender
Lavender makes a great gift for a Gemini as its relaxing qualities balance out their social and energetic traits. Photo: Interflora
1. Aries - Daffodils
This flower blooms early and symbolises new beginnings so complements Aries as the first sign of the zodiac. They also symbolise faithfulness due to their ability to bloom year after year, making them ideal for a loyal friend. Photo: Interflora
2. Taurus - Lillies
Lillies are a great match for any Taurus as they symbolise devotion and fertility, perfect to complement the sensual nature of a Taurus. Photo: Interflora
3. Gemini - Lavender
Lavender makes a great gift for a Gemini as its relaxing qualities balance out their social and energetic traits. Photo: Interflora
4. Cancer - White Orchids
Cancers make for loyal friends, as such a longer-lasting flower that requires more care such as a white orchid makes for a perfect present. Photo: Interflora