Whether you have grown up and lived in Glasgow all your life, or simply went along to a party in the city there are songs which people instantly associate with the city.
From songs that you would have learned as a child to classics that are sure to get you up on the dancefloor, these are 16 songs which every Glaswegian knows.
Some of these songs will remind you of home with others describing Scottish and Glasgow life.

1. Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny
"Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny" is a song sung to the tune of She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain. | Glasgow City Archives

2. I Belong to Glasgow
"I Belong to Glasgow" is a song written by Will Fyffe in 1920. The likes of Danny Kaye and Eartha Kitt have also performed the song. | Glasgow City Council

3. Ally Bally Bee
"Ally Bally Bee" which is also known as "Coulter's Candy" is a Scottish folk song that was written by Robert Coltart. The recipe is no longer known, but the song lives on. | Supplied

4. Bits and Pieces
One might think it’s Scots law to get on the dance floor when Bits and Pieces come on - that’s not the case, it’s just a classic club banger. | Getty Images