The 10 most popular films on Netflix UK and which ones have the best Rotten Tomatoes ratings. The 10 most popular films on Netflix UK and which ones have the best Rotten Tomatoes ratings.
The 10 most popular films on Netflix UK and which ones have the best Rotten Tomatoes ratings. | Adobe/ Rotten Tomatoes

The 10 most popular films on Netflix UK this week - and the 4 you should watch

That’s this weekend’s film choices sorted 💪📺

A long-awaited sequel in a hit comedy series, Liam Neeson versus adverse weather and the remarkable true story of a British WWE star, are among the most popular films on Netflix in the UK this weekend. The omnipresent streaming giant started to publish a list of its top 10 films and shows a few years ago and if you are struggling to decide what to watch it can help as inspiration. 

But with 10 popular films to choose from it can be hard to narrow it down. If a couple of the titles have caught your eye, you still need to put your foot down and pick one eventually. 

To help you decide your next film to watch on Netflix, we’ve pulled together the Rotten Tomatoes ratings for the current Top 10 on the UK version of the streaming service (as of 4 July). Find out which have the backing of critics - and which they say you should avoid.

To help you decide your next film to watch on Netflix, we’ve pulled together the Rotten Tomatoes ratings for the current Top 10 on the UK version of the streaming service (as of 4 July). Find out which have the backing of critics - and which they say you should avoid.

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