Glasgow Halloween past: 15 old-school sweeties every Glaswegian wanted in their trick or treat bucket

These are 15 old-school Glasgow sweets that every young Glaswegian of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and even 90’s wanted in their trick or treat bucket

Glaswegians will have fond memories of trick or treating from the 60s right through to the 90’s - back in the days before sugar taxes and draconian sweetie control legislature - Glasgow at Halloween was a veritable playground for the sweet tooth kid.

All year long young Glaswegians would anxiously anticipate Halloween, planning out their routes and wondering how they could slip through the scheme boundaries onto sweeter and posher pastures. Trick or treating in Glasgow is a fine art, one that has been refined for generations - passed on from sibling to sibling, cousin to cousin, but never the parents, ask them and they’d just moan about cavitities and the dentist.

Many of us wouldn’t have been able to afford such sweet luxuries often, so the concept of getting a massive mix-up of all different kind of sweeties was certainly something worth getting excited for.

Whether you were trick or treating from a pillowcase or a pail, these are the 15 old-school Glasgow sweeties every Glaswegian wanted while they were out guising.