20 things Glasgow needs, but doesn’t have right now - as chosen by Glaswegians

What do other cities have that Glasgow doesnt? What does Glasgow need that it doesn’t have right now? Our readers answered those questions and then some

Glasgow is a great city - but sometimes we can’t help but feel like somethings missing.

Whether it was something we used to have which is sorely missed, or is a feature of other modern cities like Edinburgh, London or even Dundee that is absent from Glasgow, in this article we wanted to look at the things that are missing from Glasgow.

We asked readers of both Glasgowist and GlasgowWorld for their thoughts on what’s missing from Glasgow - and in total we got over 1500 responses from Glaswegians young and old, some still staying in the city, and some that are long-gone to new pastures.

It was a hard time whittling down all the responses to the best of the best, but we feel these 20 things are the greatest submissions which should be seriously considered by Glasgow City Council.

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