Review of new Monklands Hospital site needs to be totally independent

Central Scotland list MSP Richard LeonardCentral Scotland list MSP Richard Leonard
Central Scotland list MSP Richard Leonard
Central Scotland list MSP Richard Leonard has written to Health and Sport Minister Jeane Freeman to ask how a review of NHS Lanarkshire's consultation into the location of a replacement for Monklands Hospital is to be carried out.

During a debate in the Scottish Parliament, Mr Leonard, who is also leader of the Scottish Labour Party, argued that the people of Lanarkshire “have been informed, but they have neither meaningfully engaged nor genuinely consulted”.

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He went on to say: “The public meetings were not meaningful consultations but one-sided presentations on the case for Gartcosh.  People left those meetings angry and frustrated.”

The consultation process was criticised by politicians across the political spectrum and Ms Freeman announced it is to be reviewed.

Mr Leonard is now keen to ensure the review is free from NHS Lanarkshire or political influences and that the public are able to have their say.

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He said: “Whilst I welcome the review of what was a flawed process, it is important that this is totally independent of both the Health Board and the Government, that members of the public are fully involved and that it is conducted in a timely fashion so the design and construction process is not delayed.”