Glasgow Subway have provided us with data which details the busiest stations by passenger entries over 2023 - so naturally we've ranked the stations from most to least busy.
There aren't a great deal of surprises in the top three busiest stations as Buchanan Street, Hillhead and St Enoch came out on top in the city with all having over one million passengers pass through the stations between January, 1 2023 and December 31, 2023.
Here are Glasgow's busiest subway stations ranked from most to least passenger numbers.

9. Ibrox
Ibrox station by Ibrox Park which used to formerly be known as Copland Road was the ninth busiest subway station with 550,683 per year. | Google Maps

10. Shields Road
Completing the top ten is Shields road station which has a large park and ride facility. They recorded 467,920 passenger entries per year. | Supplied

11. Cessnock
Along with Kelvinhall, Cessnock is only one of two stations to retain its pre-modernisation surface buildings and entryway. The station was the eleventh busiest station with 458,846 entries per year. | Google Maps

12. Cowcaddens
Cowcaddens station can be found at Dundasvale Court with the station being Glasgow's twelfth busiest with 439,955 passenger entries per year. | Supplied