The best performing primary schools in East Renfrewshire (as well as the whole of Scotland) for 2024 in terms of education results have been ranked, listed, and released by the Scottish Government this month.
Assessments of all of Scotland’s publicly funded primary schools are based on Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels (CfE). The Scottish government attached a disclaimer to the most recent results which acknowledged teacher judgments were “subjective” and in some cases could not be supported by moderation.
Each primary school was given a score out of 400 drawing together the percentage of pupils up to standard in each comparable metric - four categories were taken into consideration with each weighted at 100: listening & talking, numeracy, reading, and writing.
4 Primary Schools in Renfrewshire achieved a perfect score of 400. St Catherine’s Primary School in Gallowhill was the second highest ranked primary school in Scotland, only after Thorntree Primary School in Glasgow which came in first. In 2023, St Catherine’s were the highest ranked primary school in Scotland.
This list does not definitively rank the primary schools of Renfrewshire as ‘best to worst’ - as that would fail to take into numerous social, financial, and other factors that come into the overall quality of education.

1. St Catherine's Primary School
St Catherine's Primary School was the best performing school in Renfrewshire in 2024, with a perfect score of 400. | Contributed Photo: Third Party

2. Bishopton Primary School
Bishopton Primary School is the 2nd highest ranked primary school in Renfrewshire. They scored a perfect score of 400. | Google Maps

3. Houston Primary School
Houston Primary School is the third highest ranked primary school in Renfrewshire. They also achieved a perfect score of 400. | Google Maps

4. St John Bosco Primary School
St John Bosco Primary School scored a perfect score of 400. | Google Maps