Glaswegians know for certain that we have the best patter in the UK - perhaps even the world - but the question remains, who's the funniest Glaswegian?
We asked our audience for their opinion on the funniest Glaswegian comedian of all-time, living or dead, performing or retired - and for sure you all delivered.
We have a wide taste in our comedy preferences - that's why there's no two Glasgow comics that are the same. Try and compare Frankie Boyle to Kevin Bridges - or Billy Connolly to Rikki Fulton - and you'll see exactly what we mean.
Of course comedy is subjective, so don't read this as a ranking list - in no way are we saying one comedian is better than another - we just wanted to know who Glasgow thought the best comedian was of all-time!
Whether it be through stand-up, sketch comedy, or fully-produced shows - Glasgow has long been at the forefront of comedy - whether that be through Billy Connolly revolutionising stand-up comedy, Limmy creating an entirely new format by combining web design and comedy with his website, or through Greg Hemphill and Ford Kiernan’s sitcom Still Game - which may be one of the most universally loved sitcoms of all time.
Glasgow International Comedy Festival celebrates the city’s latest and greatest comedians - which will no doubt hold in its line-up the next great Glasgow comedian who in years to come will find themselves ranked alongside the finest comics to come out of the city.
In recognition of Glasgow’s comedy scene, we put together this list of the greatest Glasgow comedians of all time.

1. Billy Connolly
We all knew the Big Yin would be at the top of this list, given how much of our audience expressed their love for the man. A true living legend, Connolly put Glasgow on the map as the funniest city in the world when he took the famous Glasgow patter on tour, television, and beyond. | Contributed Photo: Photo: PA

2. Rikki Fulton
Rikki Fulton was the comic behind Scotch and Wry, a British comedy institution straight from the minds of Glaswegians. The sketch show had a cast including the likes of Gregor Fisher, Tony Roper, Claire Nielson and Juliet Cadzow. After running for two series from 1978 to 1979 it became a favourite Hogmanay special for over a decade. Much of the humour was rooted in Glasgow life. | BBC

3. Armando Ianucci
Armando Ianucci is a regular panelist, writer, and satirist from Glasgow. He grew up around the corner from Peter Capaldi, who would later star in a show written by Armando, The Thick of It. | Contributed

4. Ford Kiernan
Ford Kiernan is one half of Still Game, alongside his colleague Greg Hemphill, and is certainly one of the most recognisable comedians from Glasgow. Just this month Ford has released a new house track for charity, Coffee Man, who knows what he'll get up to next. | BBC